Harvey Water
AMD are local, they are always available, they understand and care about our business.
AMD has been by Harvey Water’s side since 1996 when the local irrigators made the bold step to move from the loving arms of government to being fully responsible for their own businesses, lives and future.
Taking over from government was not only tricky in terms of understanding the business but also making the necessary changes to operate a fully private cooperative focused on providing water delivery services to our members.
AMD has been pivotal in helping us set up the business properly so that it functions according to all the laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures that are the tasks of modern business.
Along the way Harvey Water has never hesitated to cross check with AMD when we have had important business decisions to make and the advice from Stephen Down has always been fully considered and respected.
Finally, the quality of our business, and particularly financial, management and processes has improved immeasurable over time such that our annual audit process is a now relative breeze.
AMD are local, they are always available, they understand and care about our business and especially Tim partridge and Maria Cavallo have been our guides who protect us from wandering off the straight, narrow and successful path.
Thanks AMD, we couldn’t have done it without you!