Dough Chino
Dough Chino is a small kiosk offering huge flavour, located near Coles at Bunbury Centre Point shopping centre.
While ready-made sandwiches, protein balls and delicious Barista coffee is on the menu, it’s their made-to-order custom doughnuts that draw the crowds.
Customers are able to top their freshly made doughnut balls with a variety of toppings, including melted chocolate, sliced fruits and nuts – as well as ice cream for the real dessert enthusiasts.
“AMD has been with me since I began my own small business venture four years ago. They’ve always been really great to deal with, whether that’s offering sound business advice or helping my figures head in the right direction.
The team at AMD bring a real practicality to the table. Whenever I come up with a new idea, we sit down and discuss worst case scenarios – what number of customers do I need, what’s the average transaction, and that helps build my profit/loss forecast.
By operating at a more practical level we’re working with realistic outcomes and I feel like my business is more secure.
Having all my financial services under one roof is also really handy and I’m in frequent contact with the team. They’re always friendly and accommodating, and ready to chat whenever I call or visit.”
Daniel Macnish, Dough Chino Owner
AMD’s support gives me peace of mind
At the helm of one of Bunbury’s newest hospitality offerings is owner Daniel Macnish – a local with ambitions to run his own business. This began as a Sumo Salad franchisee with two stores within a kilometre of each other, before jumping at what Daniel describes as an attractive gap in the market.
“Bunbury is a great place for food. There’s plenty of quality restaurants, cafes and bars but I noticed there was a gap in specialty desserts. That is where Dough Chino comes in,” Daniel said.
“We’re offering something really unique and different, and that’s obviously attracting some attention with plenty of people visiting since opening in late 2018.”
Starting a brand new, untried idea can be a daunting task for a young business owner, however Daniel knew he had a great team behind him.
Daniel has been an AMD client since his Sumo Salad days, first employing their Accounting team to help with balancing his figures. Over the last four years, AMD has grown to assist Daniel with his Bookkeeping, Advisory and Tax Services.
“Having all my business needs under one roof is really handy,” Daniel said.
“I know that the different teams within AMD are working together to help support not only my business, but me as a business owner and my future ambitions. I trust they have my best intentions at heart and that gives me peace of mind.”
Daniel’s family are also AMD clients, which he admits adds to the friendly nature of the relationship.
“AMD are also very close with my family, so I’ve known the team for a long time,” Daniel said.
“As a result, we’ve built this almost family relationship of our own over the years. They’ve been a great support of our business ambitions and it’s nice they show a keen interest in seeing us succeed – not only as our accountants, but as our friends.
“Put it this way, it wasn’t difficult finding some taste testers when developing recipes for Dough Chino!”
For more information on Dough Chino, visit their Facebook page: facebook.com/doughchinobunbury